Prof. Dr. Anne-Kathrin Classen (Director)
Institute of Biology II - Hilde Mangold Haus
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Koch (Vice-director)
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Prof. Dr. Christoph Borner
Institute for Molecular Medicine and Cell Research
Jun. Prof. Priscilla Briquez
Dept. of General and Visceral Surgery, University Medical Center
Dr. Sjon Hartman
Institute of Biology III
Prof. Michael Köttgen
Department of Medicine, Experimental Nephrology
Prof. Dr. Chris Meisinger
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
PD Dr. Susana Minguet
Institute of Biology III - Molecular Immunology
Dr. Giorgos Pyrowolakis
Institute of Biology I - Hilde Mangold Haus
Student representatives: Annabelle Buschky and Sara Hartmann.